Sold horse
Dutch Horse Trading, 23-25 August 2022

Olympia S

Maestro vd BisschopVoltaire

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Olympia S is gorgeous, but she is actually a diamond in the rough! This 3-year-old mare comes straight from the breeder and had never seen a jump up close. However, she picks it up quickly and shows good technique and carefulness. Olympia has a very attractive model and is a mare that moves light-footed. She has a sweet character. Olympia has been lunged several times with a halter and goes in the horse walker and paddock every day. For direct export out of the EU or an intra-community supply within the EU (with a valid VAT-number) the VAT will be 0%. For export later, but in less than 90 days after purchase, the VAT needs to be paid at the time of purchase, but will be refunded when (a copy of) the export document is provided.



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