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The absolute pinnacle at Woodlands is represented by this very exclusive filly. She is the first daughter of eight-time Grand Prix winner Gancia de Muze to be offered for sale, and her outstanding pedigree is complemented by top sire Catoki (sire of standout performers like Ermitage Kalone, Contanga, and Amsterdam 27). This filly is blessed with a fantastic conformation, an exceptional canter, and the same intelligence that has made her mother so remarkable. She seems to have the same scope as well. Gancia de Muze achieved 24 international victories in her impressive career, including wins in the 5* Grand Prixs of Brussels, Knokke, St. Tropez, Cannes, Helsinki, and of course, the Rolex Grand Prix in Den Bosch. With her outstanding track record she lived up to her strong origins, as Gancia de Muze is a sibling to the 1.50/1.60m level jumping Homer de Muze, Isolde de Muze, and Freluche de Muze.



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