Sold horse
Woodlands International Sales 2024

Chaquisto Blue PS

Chacoon BlueCornet's Balou

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With his eye-catching appearance, exceptional jumping technique, scope, and outstanding rideability, Chaquisto Blue PS is destined to build a remarkable career as a (Derby) hunter. This well-developed stallion is blessed with a wonderful character and is set to excel in the jumping arena and the equitation ring as well. His sire is the highly successful Chacco Blue son, Chacoon Blue, whose oldest offspring have notably performed at 1.45/1.50m level at just eight years old. On his dam’s side, Chaquisto Blue PS is closely related to international 1.45/1.50m level jumping horses such as Uptons Tribon, Special de Gamet, and Phlush, and this lineage has also produced Grand Prix performers like Finbarr V as well as the stallion Triomphe de Muze.



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Dam sire




