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Ursula embraces the combination of jumping talent, a reliable temperament, and perfect rideability like no other. This has already resulted in a consistent record of achievements in the national 1.30m competitions, and she appears particularly well-suited for the American market. She has inherited her fantastic character and mindset from her sire, Bubalu VDL, who, due to his ongoing dedication, achieved team gold at the WEG in Caen and Olympic team silver in London under Jur Vrieling. From a limited number of coverings, he has produced standout performers such as Icoon VDL/Rock of Cashel and Impian D. This direct branch from Holsteiner Stamm 764 also includes international 1.50m level showjumpers like So Happy H (s.Corland) and Horse Gym’s Landino (s.Lord Z).



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