Sold horse
Woodlands International Sales 2024

Rientje V

Cicero Z van PaemelVa-Vite

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Get on, ride, and win. That’s what you can expect with the highly competitive Rientje V. This seven-year-old top talent has already achieved impressive results in international young horse classes and repeatedly proves to have the right mentality. She is quick, jumps with excellent reflexes, and is careful. She knows when the game is on. Rientje V is a half-sister to the nine-year-old international showjumper Pas Normal V (s.Corydon van T&L), who competed at 1.50m level under Estrat Mateu last year. Her dam, Lientje P, is a sibling to Julien Epaillard’s former 1.60m level competing horse Jalanta P, with whom he won the 3* Grand Prix of Oliva in 2020. Sire Cicero Z has also established himself as a top performer in both sport and breeding.



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Dam sire




