Sold horse
Woodlands International Sales 2024

So Special van ‘t Gelutt

I'm Special de MuzeOkidoki van 't Gelutt Z

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As his name implies, this is a special future talent. The six-year-old So Special van ‘t Gelutt has already achieved impressive results in national young horse competitions. He exhibits excellent balance, jumps with good leg technique, possesses substantial scope, and is notably careful. The oldest offspring of his genetically valuable sire, I’m Special de Muze, are showcasing their qualities at the highest level, such as I-Cap CL Z, Kivinia, and Special Life. As a grandson of the international 1.50m level jumping mare Chinta van ‘t Gelutt, who competed with Sienna Charles, So Special also inherited proven jumping genes from his dam’s side. This effortlessly jumping gelding is ready for the next step in his sporting career.



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Dam sire




