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The solid results of this six-year-old mare seem to be a harbinger of a bright future. Divya is qualified for this year’s BundesChampionat and ready to continue her impressive track record in the seven-year-old classes next year. She has the right amount of blood, possesses excellent balance, and is remarkably athletic in every way. Genetically, this modern showjumper is also exceptionally well-bred. Her dam, Cora, is the full sister to the top level performing stallion Fermoy, ridden by Cian O’Connor, with whom Maurice Tebbel previously achieved excellent results in Grand Prix and Nations Cup competitions under the name Chacco’s Light. The light-footed Divya is from the first crop of Maurice Tebbel’s future star Dia Corrado, who is showing his qualities in international 1.45m classes.



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Dam sire




