Sold horse
Woodlands International Sales 2024

Bellefleur Z

Bamako de MuzeI'm Special de Muze

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Bellefleur Z has it all: undeniable qualities as a showjumper, excellent rideability, and the right mindset. With these traits, this modern mare possesses all the characteristics needed to stand out in the upper echelons of the sport. Her immense potential pays homage to her strong lineage, as she was bred from the direct damline of top-class horses Erenice Horta (s.Diamant de Semilly) of Edwina Tops-Alexander and Irenice Horta (s.Vigo d’Arsouilles) ridden by Cian O’Connor, both of which can be traced directly back to Bellefleur Z’s granddam Herenice de Baugy. She has also inherited a substantial dose of jumping talent from her sire, Bamako de Muze, who has produced top showjumpers such as Don Juan van de Donkhoeve, Kasanova de la Pomme and Lector van den Bisschop.



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Dam sire




