Sold horse
Woodlands International Sales 2024

Bamigo van het Eyckeveld Z

Bamako de MuzeCoriall

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Every ambitious rider is set for the future with this six-year-old top prospect. Bamigo van het Eckeveld Z is a horse with limitless potential. His half-brother Namaste van het Eyckeveld (s.Elvis ter Putte) has already set a high standard with his performances at international 1.60m level, under Shane Sweetnam and now Ashley Vogel. His right amount of blood, balance, and light-footed canter make Bamigo van het Eckeveld Z a pleasure to ride as well. In his pedigree, the Grand Prix sport and breeding stallion Bamako de Muze, sire of top showjumpers such as Don Juan van de Donkhoeve and Kasanova de La Pomme, is paired with an Oldenburg damline that has produced several international 1.45/1.50m level jumping horses. For sure Bamigo van het Eyckeveld Z can be the next one.



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