Sold horse
Woodlands International Sales 2024

Talifax van ‘t Roth

Halifax van het Kluizebos BWPCalypso III

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We proudly present Talifax van ’t Roth, the prodigy who has already emerged as the performance champion at the BWP approvals and made a strong impression in the stallion competition last winter. This half-brother of Jos Lansink’s 1.60m level performer Calimero van ’t Roth possesses everything needed to develop into a Grand Prix horse. In addition, this genetically remarkable stallion has the potential to make a significant impact in breeding. His sire, Halifax van het Kluizebos, was one of the world’s top horses under Lorenzo De Luca, and on the dam’s side, this BWP approved Talifax is closely related to 1.60m showjumpers such as Valencia (Caitlin Ziegler), Luna van het Dennehof (Gilles Thomas), Eldorado van de Zeshoek (Willem Greve) and the Olympic GL Events Dorai d’Aiguilly (Olivier Perreau).



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Dam sire




