Sold horse
Woodlands International Sales 2024

Django van Koningshof Z

Diamant de SemillyVoltaire

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As the progeny of two outstanding 1.60m level horses, Django van Koningshof Z undeniably inherited his top-tier talent. His sire Diamant de Semilly, is at the top of the WBFSH sire ranking for a reason and has imparted considerable scope to this remarkable five-year-old gelding. His dam Atlete van ‘t Heike was among the world’s best under Eric Lamaze and achieved a series of top placements at 5*-1.60m level. Django van Koningshof Z is poised to follow in their illustrious footsteps. He is built uphill, has a superb canter, and exceptional rideability. Combined with his intelligence and power, his Grand Prix potential is evidently profound. His successful siblings Darmani van ‘t Heike and Illusion GT have already showcased their prowess at 1.55m level.



Bidding place




Dam sire




