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Pylaia combines a good conformation and an eager attitude with a light-footed jump. Additionally, she is also very smart and carefull! This makes her a potential winner for the future! She is currently being produced in the 1.10m, but with someone who takes their time with her, she certainly has even more to offer! Pylaia is descended from the Comme Il Faut offspring Komme Casall TN. Her mother Cuenca (by Van Gogh) comes from a mother line full of sport and has been competed up to 1.30m. From her grandmother Hinde (by Notaris) comes, among others, Douala (by L’esprit), which has jumped at the 1.50 level. She also produced the mare Lianda in combination with Dominard, who in turn is the mother of the 1.60-jumping Oklund son Calcourt Falklund (Micheal Whitaker/Anna Kelnerova). In short, anyone who works with Pylaia has a bright future ahead! In the case of direct export to non-EU countries, VAT is no longer applicable (21% becomes 0%). If the export is delayed (but happens as soon as possible), the VAT will be refunded after we have received the official export document (which is drawn up by customs).



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