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The 7-yr-old Kaman does not have a lot of show experience, but did jump some 1.00m to 1.10m level courses. This is a mare that wants to work for you. She is careful on the fence and has a lot of blood. Sire Chaman performed very well in the 1.60m Grand Prix under Ludger Beerbaum and several of his 8-yr-old offspring are already performing at international 1.40m to 1.50m level, such as Ceano Baloubet, Chataga Z and Chaman’s Pleasure. Dam Codyssee jumped at 1.20m level and is a daughter of top-class progenitor Heartbreaker, who passes on a lot of reflexes, quality and attitude to his offspring. Her first daughter Juwel made her international debut as a 7-yr-old at 1.35m level under Paul Estermann (SUI) last year. Grandam Odyssee (Ircolando x Boreas) is also grandam of the 6-yr-old, Hanover- and Oldenburg licensed stallion Comme Le Coeur (Comme il Faut), Heartstring (1.50m level), Cevin’s Heartbreaker (1.45m level) and Kannzo Z (1.45m level).



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Dam sire




