Sold horse
AS111 July

Don Diego DB NN Z

Sea Coast Don't Touch Tiji HeroToulon

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Don Diego DB NN Z (Sea Coast Don’t Touch Tiji Hero Z x Toulon) Looks, power, movements, and himself a brother of the 8-year-old 1.45m performing Quilotta and 7-year-old 1.40m performing Rialto Van De Roshoeve. His dam is sister to a full line-up of international performers such as Untakable who was placed 4th in the 5* 1.60m in Coapexpan (Mex) earlier this year under Luis Gerardo Castaneda, Fein Lotta DK (1.50m Megane Moissonnier), Zenon Z (1.50m Felix Koller), Goldfinger Z (1.50m Léa De Coulon), Vialotta d’Ick (1.45m Elliot Souster), and Nicoletta Z (1.45m Hikari Yoshizawa) Granddam to this colt is Edwina Tops-Alexanders former 1.60m Grand Prix mare & World Cup Winner Isovlas Pialotta!



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