Sold horse
Dutch Horse Trading 25/27 March 2025

Neka van den Dries

Diamant de SemillyContendro I

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An impressive mare, this Neka van den Dries. A beautiful large horse with correct legs and hooves. The best of the entire world brought together in one horse: Diamant de Semilly x Contendro I. This mare is currently interesting for the sport; she is very comfortable to ride in dressage, works well on the flat, is well-behaved in the woods, and always jumps everything without hesitation. Neka is a blood horse, but remains easy to ride. During jumping, Neka enthusiastically approaches the jumps. Sit still and steer to the finish! She is suitable for both beginner and more advanced riders. Please keep in mind that, if you purchase this horse, she approaches the jumps enthusiastically in the course. It is an honest horse with a golden heart and a superb character. Furthermore, she has already produced several foals in the past, and she can do so again in the future. A great addition to your future or current breeding program. Neka is a healthy horse with recent X-rays. Log in, bid, and buy. Neka van den Dries is definitely never a loss! In the case of direct export to non-EU countries, VAT is no longer applicable (21% becomes 0%). If the export is delayed (but happens as soon as possible), the VAT will be refunded after we have received the official export document (which is drawn up by customs).



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