Sold horse
Dutch Horse Trading 25/27 March 2025

Santino van Menzel

Cicero Z van PaemelMontender

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Santino van Menzel is a well-built 3-year-old gelding, descended from the renowned show jumping sire Cicero Z van Paemel, out of a mother by Monterder, who herself jumped at the 160 cm level with Marco Kutcher. Furthermore, in the direct maternal line of Santino, we find the following 160 cm show jumping horses: Valerie (Indoctro), Onasis (Indoctro), the 150 show jumping horse Calentano (Corleone), and the 140 show jumping horse Why Not (Karandasj).

In addition, Santino demonstrates a great deal of scope, good balance, and a highly cooperative attitude.

In summary, Santino possesses many qualities to become a top show jumping horse!



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Dam sire




