Sold horse
Dutch Horse Trading 25/27 March 2025

Vally van Steendorp

Amadeo van 't Vossenhof ZDieu Merci van T&L

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This Vally from Steendorp is a feast for the eyes. A true eye-catcher. But he is not only a handsome 4-year-old stallion; he is also a truly quality show jumping horse or perhaps a hunter for the future. Vally has a golden character. He has only been under saddle a handful of times, but he absorbs it super well. He is a very comfortable horse to ride. A 10/10 for gallop. Additionally, he is very handy and easy in his body. Vally shows a lot of scope over jumps as well as carefulness. Moreover, he can also trot very beautifully. His gallop is extremely comfortable. This young man can go in all directions: show jumping horse, hunter, but the most important thing is his golden character and honest attitude. Who will take the next steps with this future star? In the case of direct export to non-EU countries, VAT is no longer applicable (21% becomes 0%). If the export is delayed (but happens as soon as possible), the VAT will be refunded after we have received the official export document (which is drawn up by customs).



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