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Angel is a young mare. She is not the largest in size, but she more than compensates for this with her fantastic jumping qualities. Angel is a great investment to develop into a top sport horse. Angel is saddle broken and is well-behaved and nice to ride. Angel’s father is El Morado. This son of the top show jumping horse and renowned sire Eldorado van de Zeshoek was the NRPS performance champion at the age of 3 and was praised for his good reflexes, body use, carefulness, and scope. He is now at the beginning of his international sporting career under Marwin van den Nieuwenhuizen. Angel’s mother is descended from Harley VDL, and her grandmother is from Climax. The 1.40m horses Mentos (by Haarlem), Cassanova (by Cidane), and Zappa (by Zacharov) are related to Angel. In the case of direct export to non-EU countries, VAT is no longer applicable (21% becomes 0%). If the export is delayed (but happens as soon as possible), the VAT will be refunded after we have received the official export document (which is drawn up by customs).



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