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A beautiful large chestnut gelding. A versatile horse for any amateur. He is nicely trained in dressage, changes well, and jumps a small course. Asterix has a bit of a fear of heights, so he does well with a lower course, but when it gets higher, he sometimes holds his breath and may hesitate to jump. Feel free to check the competition videos; he jumps a low course well. You do need to encourage Asterix with your legs. So he is ideal for someone who wants to use a horse for various activities and doesn’t necessarily want to win a trophy every week at competitions. He is well-behaved in the ring and in the woods and loads easily onto the trailer. Asterix has a somewhat comedic trot, especially in the first few rounds when you’re warming him up. Once the connection is established, this improves. Be sure to check the veterinary report for this. A super calm horse that is versatile for almost everything, as long as the expectations are not too high.



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