Sold horse
Dutch Horse Trading February 2025

Crowny vh Gebroekerhof Z

Crowntano ZBalourado

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A once in a lifetime horse! Lots of competition experience. This 11-year-old mare is a super nice competition horse with plenty of experience up to 1.20m. Reliable and always goes to the finish. She is not spooky and performs her job from A to Z. She shows a lot of quality over jumps, is comfortable to ride, and has an automatic lead change. She is soft in the mouth, has a good and strong canter, and can trot beautifully! She is as good as gold, has a top character, and never puts a foot wrong. She gets along well with other horses and can stay outside in the paddock or pasture. Well-behaved with the farrier, easy to handle at the wash rack, and knows the horse walker. A once in a lifetime horse! This mare will make someone very happy for many years to come! In the case of direct export to non-EU countries, VAT is no longer applicable (21% becomes 0%). If the export is delayed (but happens as soon as possible), the VAT will be refunded after we have received the official export document (which is drawn up by customs).



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