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A beautiful, expressive, and athletic 3-year-old gelding by the famous stallion Diarado, out of Viceroy T mare. Serious T is a real head-turner with his elegant posture and lively character. This boy comes straight from the breeder and has always lived in a loving environment, where he has been well-trained. He is very well-behaved and easy to handle, making him ideal for both novice and experienced riders. Serious T has a natural talent for jumping; he jumps with technique and is exceptionally careful. This not only makes him a great competition partner for the future but also a pleasant companion in training. His gentle character combined with his athletic ability ensures that he is a valuable addition for any rider. In the case of direct export to non-EU countries, VAT is no longer applicable (21% becomes 0%). If the export is delayed (but happens as soon as possible), the VAT will be refunded after we have received the official export document (which is drawn up by customs).



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