Sold horse
ET New Year Edition ’25

Eleonore MB Z

Enola Gay Of Two Notes ZCornet Obolensky

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Offered by the breeder himself, not only is rider Mathieu Bourdeaud’hui a rising star in the competition arena, but he also has a keen eye for the right breeding combinations to bring the stars of tomorrow into the world! For this mare, the exceptional bloodline of Emerald was chosen, resulting in the use of Enola Gay of Two Notes. This stallion competes at the 160 level under rider Wilm Vermeir and showcases his remarkable jumping ability, which is reflected in Eleonore.

On the dam’s side, we find the exceptional blood of Cornet Obolensky. This son of Clinton competed at the highest level and is currently a well-established figure in the WBFSH rankings. He was crossed with Chippendale Z, who is renowned for producing outstanding offspring, such as the currently impressive Legacy. If we trace the maternal line further back, we come to Jolie van de Bekemolen, a mare by Ugano Sitte, who herself competed at the 145 level with Belgian rider Davy Lannoo.



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