Sold horse
2022 Edition

Taloe van de Molenweg Z

Taloubet ZU Chin van het Schuttershof

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This unique foal has a mother and father who are simply amazing.

The genes of world star Taloubet Z were combined with those of Ultimate Dream Z, a mare who jumped at the highest level herself.

Ultimate Dream (by U Chin van Schuttershof) jumped under the saddle of Thierry Goffinet to several victories and places of honor in the 4* classes,World Cups and Nations Cups in Tetouan, Rabat and Vilamoura.

Ultimate Dream comes from a very small dam line and the family background of mother Sibby van Loenhout is not known. Sibby gave in 2015 Illo vd Molenweg Z, who is currently competing at 1m20 level.

Combined with Taloubet Z, this foal certainly has an excellent basis to grow into a good sport horse.

Taloubet is known for his lightning fast front leg, unlimited scope and unbelievable power. For rider Christian Ahlmann it is always a happy reunion with his beloved stallion. The duo won countless medals and always managed to profile themselves at the GPs and championships.

Talou van de Molenweg is in other words born for the big work!



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Dam sire




