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Youngsters & Ridden Horses

Vivaldi Hof van Breivelde Z

Verdi TNEldorado van de Zeshoek

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This 3-yr-old displays a lot of scope, but we did not expect any less with Verdi TN and Eldorado van de Zeshoek in the pedigree. Vivaldi Hof Van Breivelde Z has active movements and a lot of power over the fence. A horse for a professional or amateur rider.

His sire Verdi TN was exceptional in his performance at top-level and already supplied several Grand Prix horses, including the 2022 World Cup Final winner Chaplin ridden by Martin Fuchs. Also performing at 1.65m to 1.70m Grand Prix are Comic, Cuidam, Ibelle ASK, Varoune, Evita SG Z, Fleurette and Valour 3.

Dam Elvero Hof Van Breivelde Z descends from the very well breeding Eldorado van de Zeshoek. The pedigree is further strengthened by the influential stallions Voltaire x Alme x Ramiro Z x Ramzes AA.



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Dam sire




